Hidden Palms Educational Hike

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
7:30 am - 10:30 am


Event Location:
depart from Sport & Ftiness Center

Distance to be Traveled " Valley Pathfinder" Jason Bruecks offers 25 years of local history, geology, and hiking experience. 

Hidden Palms Hike/Educational

Saturday, February 6th

Depart Fitness Center @ 7:30am

Easy, 4 mile round trip

Approx. 3 hours, includes drive time


Tucked away from the road, these bunches of palms remain sheltered from the wind. Their existence is due to the San Andreas Fault, which allows water to seep to the roots of the Palms. 400ft. gradual elevation gain & drop, leads through a sandy wash to the Palms.

For health and safety reasons, transportation will not be provided by the club. We will caravan in separate vehicles. 

Face covering/mask is not required while hiking with proper space, but please have one available should we congregate or pass other hikers.

Dress in layers

Bring water and a snack. Hiking poles and a camera are optional.